03 August, 2020

Trojan Horse

A Trojan Horse is defined as, “someone or something intended to defeat or subvert from within usually by deceptive means” (merriam-webster.com). This term is derived from Greek mythology. The story is told that the Greeks defeated Troy by sending them a wooden horse as a gift; within the horse were Greek soldiers. Upon receiving the gift and closing their gates the Trojan’s were defeated by the soldiers that they unwittingly took into their land. We are committing a similar error in judgement as Bible-believing Christians today. The social justice movements of today are Trojan horses. They purport to be one thing, but closer examination of their beliefs shows that their agenda is the opposite.


For example, the BLM movement has taken hold of the very real issue of the unjust treatment of black people in America and is using it to push an agenda of sodomy. They, like the slave masters of earlier years, the sharecropping “partners”, the politicians, and so many others, are yet again taking advantage of the plight of one group of people to accomplish their depraved, anti-biblical, anti-patriarchal agenda. They do very little to uplift the people they claim matter, on the contrary, their highest purpose is to degrade all of society. As Christians our guilt in maintaining segregation in our churches has now caused us to flood the streets with these “social justice” groups to assuage our collective consciences. This is not the answer (Proverbs 11:21).


One of the rally cries in the recent demonstrations caught my attention. It is the idea that the US Constitution is racist. As Bible believing Christians, we know where the US fits into prophetic events and the role of their constitution in those events. The US constitution and Bill of Rights, as they were originally written ensured a nation without a king and churches without a pope (Revelation 13:11). The people that founded the nation were running from the tyranny of both of these rulers. In the 1860’s, however, a Trojan horse was placed into this document. The 13th Amendment of the US Constitution states: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


On a cursory reading of this amendment it seems like standard verbiage for its intent – ending slavery – however, a closer look brings to light the hook with which many former slaves and their descendants have been caught – “except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted”. This hook is now firmly in the grasp of the ones who placed it there, to do just the thing they had planned – the demolition of the US constitution. There is one group of subtle, deceitful, crafty people, from the “old world”, who despise all that the US constitution stands for, and they worked determinedly from inside the governance to see it destroyed. Now here we are.


This document stood as a barrier between the “new world” and the tyranny of the dark ages in the “old world” (Revelation 12:13, 14). Now, because it has been repeatedly violated by prejudice, its end is here. With the fall of the governing principles of the constitution, the only thing left to rise is the tyranny of a dictator (Revelation 13:15-17). This has been prophesied in Scripture. A United States unrestrained by the reins of the constitution will carry out the dictates of the tyrannical “old world” (Revelation 13:12).


I caution those of us that are aware of what is happening not to get caught up in the pseudo-righteousness of the world (Isaiah 64:6). Jesus told us that there will always be injustice in this world, this we cannot fix (John 16:33). What we can and need to do is to hold up God’s truth. Point the people of this dying world to the real Jesus Christ of the Bible, Who is willing and able to forgive our sins and cleanse us form all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). The same Jesus Who is returning “with power and great glory” to put an end to all injustices and evil forever (Matthew 24:30; Acts 1:11; Revelation 20:14). This is the commission that was given to us as Bible believing Christians (Matthew 28:19, 20).


Behold the Bridegroom Cometh!

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