21 June, 2013


What is salvation? In theology, salvation is defined as ‘deliverance from sin and its consequences’. As Christians, we believe that Jesus Christ is the only name through which we might be saved (Acts 4:10-12). What is sin? Aside from being a topic for an endless discussion, the bible describes sin as the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). Therefore if there is no law then there is no sin (Romans 4:15) – whole other discussion, so back to the topic. Why should I desire salvation? I’ve often asked myself this question.

The Bible states that at the end of time sinners, who choose not to accept God's gift, will burn and become ashes and cease existing (Malachi 4; Revelation 20:14, 15; 21:8). After reading these verses you may ask why bring us back for the second death? God is honest and upfront in His dealings so He’ll let us know why it is we can’t inherit eternal life (Revelation 20:13). So back to my original question: Why should I want salvation? If I won’t be alive to endure the sight of what I’ve missed why shouldn’t I just enjoy what I have here and know – what I’m sure of – and just cease existing in the end? The law of God as we learned earlier is very specific and has very little to do with my own pleasure. So why should I want to keep it? Why should I live a life of self-denial, altruism, and service to God?

Well, the answer may originate from different experiences for different people. I am still in the process of understanding why I should want this. The answer I have for now is that I want to know God. I want to meet Him, I want to spend as long as it takes to understand what kind of Individual cares about the most insignificant things in my life. He cares and aligns events to the minutest detail to ensure that I am blessed and that I can be a blessing to others. Something as simple as finding a missing plug and having a phone work or causing me to look up moving information that I could share with my friend the next day. Even when I’m being the most selfish brat He works things out to open my eyes and silence me.

I’m not saying that this question will never come up again but I write this to encourage you and me. One day I’ll be down and things will seem to not be going my way and I’ll just want to throw in the towel and live in complete and utter selfishness. But these words will serve as a reminder that I’ve seen the evidence that there is a Higher Power that cares and is interested and simply wants to live and communicate with me (Exodus 25:8). He wants to be my Friend. The opportunity to know Him is more than enough to ‘fight the good fight of faith’ (1 Timothy 6:12).

Live Blessed