There are many things in this life that cause division among
human beings, racism, sexism, classism, ageism, etc. to name a few. These are
all dross and they only hurt our true purpose on this earth. Our one and only
purpose on Earth is to learn to fear God and keep His commandments
(Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14). When we loose sight of this purpose all these differences
become magnified and cause us to do harm to others and in so doing damage
Racism is a huge issue worldwide. One group claims superiority
over another group then victimize individuals of that group. Then the
inevitable pendulum swing occurs, and the formerly victimized group becomes
self-focused and highlights himself above the original victimizing group,
perpetuating certain stereotypes that may have been theirs or may have been
thrusted upon them. And the vicious cycle of hate and self-importance
continues. The same is seen among societally manufactured classes, those with
different education levels and career types are deemed inferior to another group
and are thereby disenfranchised.
Scripture tells us that we are all of one blood, therefore,
racism and ethnic strife has no real tangible basis (Acts 17:26). The Jews of
Jesus’ time thought themselves superior to the Samaritans and any non- Jew.
Today we have racial discordance based on skin colour or ethnic origins. All this
means nothing. We are all Adam’s children and until we get past the petty
small-mindedness of this thought process we will keep missing our true purpose.
Heaven, unlike our churches, is not segregated (or separate but equal). We serve
one God, Who has one expectation – keep His commandments. Scripture also
reminds us that we are not to think of ourselves as more than we are (Romans
12:3). Everything we are or have was given to us we didn’t make ourselves or
bless ourselves with anything we have or can do (1 Corinthians 4:7). We are all
formed from dust and we are all returning to dust (Genesis 3:19; Psalms
103:14). Those that have been victimized need to forgive and focus on God’s
truth. Those that have victimized need to wake up and see reality and focus on
God’s truth.
Ageism and sexism are two more delicate issues. There are
certain things, by nature, that different age ranges and sexes cannot
interchange. However, the contributions that each brings to society should not
be diminished because of preconceived notions. The aged of society bring a
wealth of knowledge, based on experience, from which younger generations should
be taught – to prevent unnecessary errors (Leviticus 19:32). For example, if
young people planning on marriage would have a frank discussion, on what a
successful marriage is like, with couples who have put in the effort and carry
20, 30, 40+ years of marriage, divorce would not be as big an issue as it is
now. These long-married people can share the fact that sustaining that many
years is not for the selfish at heart, that everything will not go your way all
the time, that you need to communicate and forge a united way of doing things
together. But this is lost when the young see the aged as out of touch and
unable to relate to life today. The wise king said, there is nothing new under
the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). With all our seeming variations human nature has
not changed and therefore advise from those who have lived successfully should
be taken and heeded.
Each of the different sexes have their roles to play in
society and should be respected for it. A woman who chooses the path to stay
home and care for her husband and children should not be treated as less than
in society. After all, ‘the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world’. Having
dedicated wives and mothers to ensure the smooth, efficient running of homes
and families is the most valuable gift men and, by effect, all of society can have,
and her work demands and should be respected (Proverbs 31:10-31). Because of
the unthankful treatment of homemakers, many women of today’s society choose to
compete with their husbands in the corporate world resulting in emasculated men,
neglected homes, and all but abandoned children who perpetuate this pattern (Proverbs
14:1). Women should be industrious, financially savvy contributors in society
but not to the detriment of their own homes and families. The family is the
building block of society and when it collapses society will crumble.
The reality is, there is one criterion that should, and
scripture tells us will, divide human beings, only one. This source of division
is truth. In scripture Jesus states that He came to bring a sword; and the
Bible also tells us that God’s word is sharper than any two-edged sword
(Matthew 10:34; Hebrews 4:12). God’s Word is referred to as the sword of the
Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). This is the only line along which humanity should be
divided – belief in God’s truth and disbelief in God’s truth, obedience to
God’s Word and disobedience to God’s word. All other divisions are a
distraction of the enemy skillfully designed to cloud perspective and deceive
humanity. However, true to his form the enemy has placed in the hearts and
minds of believers that division based on God’s truth is equivalent to all
other sources of division – in essence, all division is bad. This is not the
case. Consider the division of the children of Seth (those who served God) from
the children of Cain (those who served self). For centuries God had a people
with a pure worship to Him, but as soon as that line of demarcation was blurred,
and the two groups began to mingle, evil reigned on Earth (Genesis 6:1-7). If
we will serve God aright separation must be made to ensure pure God approved
Division based on truth will lead to the persecution of
those who choose to obey God’s Word, never the reverse (Matthew 5:12). Followers
of God only seek what God seeks, obedience to His commands and the salvation of
souls. Scripture tells us repeatedly that at the time of Jesus’ return to Earth
there will be a clean unambiguous line dividing those that keep God’s
commandments and those that do not (Matthew 13:30; 25:32; Revelation 12:17; 14:1-12;
22:11). That separation begins at the time a person decides to follow the will
of God, the whole sinful world turns against him. The sinful things of this
world and anyone who chooses that life are at enmity with God and anyone who
follows Him because God placed the enmity between them (Genesis 3:15; James
4:4). As believers we need to examine the companions we choose in all aspects
of life (Amos 3:3; 1 Corinthians 6:14). Absolute allegiance to God, no matter
the cost, is the only way to be saved (Mark 10:17-21; Luke 18:18-22). God gave
all in defense of His truth and to give us a second chance at adherence (John
3:16). Let us not waste this invaluable opportunity.
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