05 July, 2018


Being “woke” is an interesting new expression used in current popular culture to denote a state of “sudden understanding of what’s really going on and finding out you were wrong about much of what you understood to be truth” (urbandictionary.com). I’ve heard the term used in a few different contexts and decided that I needed to explore it a bit. The first time I heard it was in reference to the idea of “gender fluidity”. The second time my cousin was quite irate about a relative of hers adopting the mantra of a racial group who’s experience she didn’t fully share. The next tangible experience I had with this term was in a church’s youth program poster. I believe this is the one that sent me over the edge I had to address this. As always let’s go to Scripture.

Firstly there are two forces in this world: good and evil (Genesis 2:17; 3:5). Good encompasses all that is righteousness, truth, light, holiness and Godly. In contrast evil is composed of all that is unrighteousness, lies, darkness, impure, and Godless (Matthew 6:22, 23). Because there are only two forces in this world we must be following one or the other (Matthew 6:24). The definition of the term ‘woke’ “is a sudden understanding of what is really going on and finding out you were wrong about much of what you understood to be truth”; to me this is suspicious and insulting. As someone who has spent a bit of time in school and done some teaching I know that knowledge tends not to be gained suddenly. Insulting, because how is it possible that a person could achieve 30 plus years of life and experiences, and be wrong about most of it. The best teacher is experience, cause and effect – that’s scientific inquiry at its most basic. That said, what is this new outlook that is being gained? How much of the foundation of lives is being dismantled? What is the foundation being replaced with? And in light of the controlling forces being good or evil which direction is this state of being “woke” taking us?

Most of societal rules, as we know it, are based on Judeo-Christian scripture: Honour your parents, don’t commit murder, don’t cheat on your spouse, don’t steal, and don’t lie (Exodus 20:12-16). These are solid tenets on which society is formed and functions, however, as time marches on certain members of society become enamoured with the idea that within ourselves we are able to perpetuate a smooth society without the use of these guidelines, therefore, we see these principles slowly being eroded. Now, the state and children have more rights than parents, murderers have more rights than their victims, there is now an utter disregard for the sanctity of marriage, laws exist that promote theft, and politicians and lawyers have made lying an art-form. We did not just appear on this earth. There is One being responsible for our existence and He set out basic principles by which to live and prosper when we disregard them it is to our own demise. Our actions have real consequences. It behoves us to investigate the final outcome of this utter disregard for the obvious, logical facts on which we once based our lives.

This movement of being “woke” did not just happen suddenly. It has been building for decades in modern history. This generation is now the fruit of plans laid decades ago in the education, legal, media and entertainment systems of this world. However, any student of history will know what the outcome of this erosion of principle will be, as it has occurred many times before. Every society that has disregarded these basic principles of life has fallen, beginning with the antediluvians (Genesis 6:1-7; 7:7-24), then the community at the tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), again with the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:1-26), and various other subsequent civilizations (Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome). When the principles on which we build our existence are made to be fluid (spectral, uncertain) there ceases to be any reliable support and that will inevitably lead to destruction.

Now, as it regards the church, we have an added layer of responsibility because we claim to believe the whole of scripture. When the youth of our church are turning up the volume to their music and seeking for new ways of distracting themselves from reality and calling themselves “woke” I become extremely concerned. As proclaimed believers we are responsible to a known God for the remaining five commands (have no other gods, don’t worship the work of your hands, respect His name, keep His Sabbath day holy, don’t harbour envious thoughts). He has clear instructions in His word for how to keep these, but the youth of our church are now of the opinion that God doesn’t care about those “little things”, and that they can treat their minds and bodies as they wish, as long as they claim to be Christ’s (please consider these texts: Matthew 7:21-23; 1Corinthians 10:31; 6:19-20; 3:16, 17). There is no more vicious lie than this that has infested Christendom. As a result we seek to do the bare minimum to be considered a Christian by societal standards, with limited consideration to God’s actual standards.

Some claim that God doesn’t care much about our obedience, that He wants a relationship with us. A true relationship requires give and take but all we do is take. We want God’s blessings, not His guidance, we want His mercy, not His justice, we want His name and for Him to ignore our wilful disregard of His precepts, we want a Saviour not a Lord (Isaiah 4:1). He should give all and we give nothing. This concept of a relationship explains fully the divorce rate within the church. Scripture informs us that God does not change and what He required in Old Testament times, He required in New Testament times and still requires today; obedience (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). This is a most comforting thought, we serve a God who is firm, and does not change; we can rely on Him to stand by His word, always. His word is powerful and active and will fulfil what it set out to do (Isaiah 55:11). He is the sure foundation on which we may build a life (Matthew 7:24).

I was listening to a sermon recently that referenced this state of intoxication in the church. The preacher spoke about Noah’s experience and Lot’s experience when they were drunk (Genesis 9:20-24; 19:30-36). During their drunken state they were abused and taken advantage of. However, when they woke up they became aware of what was done to them and could react. The preacher then compared these events with the description in Revelation of the “whore” who made all nations drink of the “wine of her fornication” (Revelation 17:1-6). These are symbols of a system that has infested Christendom, and caused us to believe lies with no foundation is God’s sure word. The apostle Peter admonishes us to be sober and vigilant because we have an enemy that wants to destroy us (1Peter 5:8). Until we truly wake up and realize how far we have drifted from scripture we will never truly know the extent of the abuse we have suffered.

Young people of the church, I implore you, Wake Up! Stop following fads and popular culture, pick up a Bible, sincerely pray to God for help, and read. Read as if your life depended on it, because it does.

--> God’s Mercy
Time to Wake Up
The Missing Piece
Lord, I Want to Be a Chirstian

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