“Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Exodus
None of the commandments brings with it
such notoriety among church people as this one. This particular topic is
avoided in the most creative ways by the church, and in so doing many lives are
left in ruins. The term adultery is understood as ‘sexual relations of a married
person outside of his or her marriage’. However, when taking the Biblical
perspective this commandment encompasses any intimate relationship outside the
covenant of marriage. Clearly if we love we will not dishonour our marriage –
before or after it occurs – our bodies – which is the temple of God
(1Corinthians 3:16) – or our God because He created marriage for our benefit
and for us to experience the oneness of love that exists in the Godhead. There
are many ways and countless reasons why we fall short of this command, I will
address a few that may or may not have crossed your mind.
Fornication – the detriment of countless
young lives and the subversive rot of many marriages – unlawful sexual
relationships before marriage. Engaging in premarital sexual activity is taken
extremely lightly in our current society whether in secular or religious
communities. Human beings were designed to pair up and engage in sexual
activity. God himself said ‘it is not good for man to be alone’ (Genesis 2:18,
23-25) and when He created a partner for the man He instructed them to ‘be
fruitful and multiply’ (Genesis 1:28). However, with everything good that God
created the devil has seen fit to corrupt it. The natural desire, to share
one’s life with another, that God has given to us as human beings, the devil
has inspired us to act on outside the intended context. We convert the
fulfillment of these natural desires into gods in the place of the one true God.
Therefore, by transferring the focus we should have in developing a relationship
with our Creator, to satisfying our need for companionship or our physical
urges, we convert what is to be a loving relationship into lustful encounters.
Many theologians speculate as to Adam’s
motives for eating the fruit, saying that ‘he loved Eve so much that he gave up
paradise for her’. If we study this scenario fully we will know that his act
was not out of true love for her. God instructed them that if they ate of the
tree they would die (Genesis 2:17). If Adam was acting out of true love his
priorities would have been straight and obedience to God’s instructions would
have been paramount in his course of action. Adam acted out of lust and
self-interest. He prioritized the gift rather than the God who gave the gift.
Similarly, we prioritize companionship over the God that designed companionship,
to our own detriment. A relationship formed without the foundation of love for
God will not last. Because of the nature of the sinful human heart (Jeremiah
17:9) the only reliable aspect of any human relationship is when it is rooted
and grounded in a love for our Creator. Without allegiance to God we end up
with hurt feelings, broken hearts, disrespect, abuse, broken marriages and
damaged children, who without Christ, end up repeating the cycle.
Divorce is yet another outgrowth of
disrespect for the marriage covenant. It may be caused by adultery or it may
result in adultery. Marriage was designed by God to be life-long (Mark 10:9). Therefore, it
should not be entered into lightly. Fervent prayer, study and a humble spirit
are vital before making this commitment. Many, because of a need to fulfill
selfish desires, haughtily enter marriage not understanding the idea of
becoming “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5, 6). The scriptures instruct
us not to attach ourselves to people that are not like-minded (Amos 3:3; 2
Corinthians 6:14). However, we obstinately rush on, marrying individuals that
don’t share our beliefs about spiritual, mental or physical life. Then, the
honeymoon ends and steady stream of little quarrels begin. Some escape this “living
nightmare” physically by leaving or engaging in adulterous relationships.
Others choose the mental escape encouraging friendships with someone who “shares”
his or her spiritual, mental and physical life values. This too is adulterous.
Sharing intimate thoughts outside your marriage is just as hurtful and damaging
as sharing sexual acts outside the marriage and many times leads to physical
Most professed God-fearing individuals
declare proudly that adultery is an acceptable excuse for divorce citing
Matthew 19:9. This is true adultery is the only “sanctioned” reason for
divorce, however, we tend to skip over verse 8; which emphasizes the point that
divorce is not a part of God’s plan and the only reason Moses allowed it was
because of the ‘hardness of our hearts’. Now, as God-fearing heaven-goaled
individuals, are we really to engage in something that appeases a hardened
heart? I heard a sermon once in which the term contract and covenant were
contrasted. In a contract if one party breaks their side of the agreement the
contract is voided. However, in a covenant if one party breaks their vow the
agreement remains and a remedy can be agreed upon to recover the covenant. In
our society we treat marriage as a contract, the solemnity is lost and genuine
commitment is gone. We only engage in it for what we can get out of it and when
we feel slighted we escape. But the escape is never good because separating
what was once “one flesh” will always cause damage and leave scars.
Furthermore, we learn from Christ’s words that remarriage after a divorce is
adultery (Matthew 5:32; 19:9; Mark 10:11, 12). It would behove us to think
cautiously before embarking on these relationships.
With the understanding that intimate
relationships outside marriage is adultery; and the knowledge that marriage is
the union of one man and one woman (Mark 10:6-9) then what of homosexual
relationships? This is clearly in opposition to the seventh commandment. This
form of aberrant relationship is diametrically opposed to God’s intent for
human relations; He calls it an abomination (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans
1:27, 28; 1 Corinthians 6:9). God designed that one man and one woman should
unite and procreate in the image of God, however, our society is now bringing
homosexuality and all related classifications (LGBTQ+) into “normalcy”. But
these practices will never be acceptable to our Creator. It is not His will and is in direct violation of His immutable law.
We all struggle in some degree with this
particular commandment; we are physically designed to desire companionship.
However, as with all physical needs it is our duty to rein in our minds and
bodies, dying daily to selfish desires and allowing Christ to live in and
through us (Matthew 5:28-30; 1 Corinthians 9:27; 1 Corinthians 15:31; Galatians
In Love