13 February, 2019


Perspective – a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view (OED). I find this a curious concept; a person makes decisions based on their perspective which is determined by their education and experiences. As scientists we are trained to try and view data objectively only stating the facts of what we find and subsequently relating it to previous observations. Making decisions based on our own or some other person’s perspective seems to me to be very dangerous. My education and experience are not the same as yours and it can never be the same. However, in most aspects of life we face similar decisions. So, if that is the case there should be a standard by which decisions should be made. Then, what is the standard? Social doctrines of today would have us believe that each of us make our own standards leading to each person having their own truth. I find this nerve-racking. I’ve heard pilots say if they worked with this idea flying would cease to be safe. Likewise, in life there needs to be a fixed standard that originates from an unbiased perspective.

Truth, “what is truth?” a man once asked not waiting for the answer (John 18:38), Truth is that fixed standard that we need that has an unbiased perspective. It overlooks all of us and sees things as they are not as we want them to be. As Bible believers we believe that truth is in the Scriptures. This book that has remained largely unchanged and verifiably so, contains truth. Its predictive descriptions give us confidence that its principles for life and salvation are truth; and when put into unwavering practice we have living proof of its validity (2 Peter 1:16-19). I’ve heard the comparison being made that the way to salvation is like blind men attempting to describe an elephant, some getting a hold of the leg, others the tail, some the ears and some the trunk, with no one having the full concept. I find this analogy offensive. How fair would God be if He left us groping around in the dark with no way to know if we are even facing the right direction? How can we all be heading to the same destination with so many different concepts of how to get there? This is lunacy! The Bible tells us clearly how to achieve this goal – Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).

I saw a counter-political slogan recently that bothered me it said, “Make Lying Wrong Again”. It’s a very true statement, lies seem to be an acceptable way of life among humanity, that needs to be smothered. However, the reason it bothered me, is because the socio-political group behind this encourages lying within their own ranks. Lack of adherence to the unbiased truth of God is lying. Invoking God’s principles while not following them is, to me, the worse kind of lying – hypocrisy. Jesus spoke to this advising that we remove the beams in our own eyes before assisting our brother with the mote in his (Matthew 7:5; Luke 6:42).

I submit that most of us have one particularly massive beam in our own eyes – an obsession with our own perspectives – pride and selfishness. We are utterly incapable of seeing life for what it is because we get stuck behind our varyingly priced educations and experiences. This needs to be dealt with first. We need to adopt God’s truth because it comes from a panoramic point of view. He sees all and knows all and above all, made us all so he knows what we all require. He gave us Ten commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) that when faithfully followed, and all of life is processed through them, make life peaceful and happy for all. But until we take on this perspective it is best that accusations not be made because it will only lead to strife and bitterness (Philippians 2:3).

With Love

A Little Leaven

Come Search with Me - Scrutiny of Relativism & Pluralism