In Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus gave a sobering prophecy of
what was to happen to ancient Israel and, I believe, to His end-time followers.
He describes the most frightful events of wars, disease and poverty followed by
the statement: “All these are the beginning of sorrows.” Matthew 24:8 The first
fulfillment of this prophecy was seen in 70ad
when Jerusalem was destroyed. At the rate the world is going now we can see the
signs of the second fulfillment.
As a result, many faithful students of the Bible and history
are making preparations for this dreadful time, and as a result they neglect a
vital part of the preparation. Insulating one’s self from society and preparing
a farm house is not the answer. I am fully in support of country living and
choosing one’s associates wisely (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). However, I also believe
that God has placed us in specific circumstances to prepare us, as His
followers. Neglecting a direct command to do good and share the word (Ezekiel
9:4) while embracing “…come out of her, my people” Revelation 18:4, brings to
mind the command “…these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other
undone.” Luke 11:42 We are not to get caught up in the trappings of this world,
however, we have a duty to our fellow man to ensure that he has heard the
We have been entrusted with great knowledge of the future,
but we are not to live there. We may know much of what is to occur, but we do
not know what will be needed for that time, except to learn to obey His voice
now so we can identify it then. Treacherous times are ahead (Matthew 24:24) and
our only guard is the armour of God (Ephesians 6:11-13). Yes, God has given us
the capacity to reason and to plan, but these skills are not our source of
security in the dark days ahead. We are to put or full trust in God alone,
because He alone knows what is to come. Right now we are to live for Him and be
about our Father’s business.
Thinking about what is to come, reminds me of Israel in the
time of Elijah the prophet. Elijah prayed that there would be no rain so that the
people would turn away from Baal worship and back to God. Elijah was not
insulated from the drought and famine that ensued. But, because he trusted and
knew God, he was fed every day and was even able to be blessing to a family.
God also provided for one hundred of His prophets during this time. (1 Kings
No matter what situation we find ourselves in we are to
always be about our Father’s business. In whatever vocation He has guided us we
are to do all as unto Him. (Ecclesiastes 9:10; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:23,24)
In Faith